Cinamaker video production is just 3 steps away!
Follow along in the video above and I’ll show you how.
Step 1
The first thing you want to do is go to and that will bring you to the Cinamaker web shop page where you can purchase your license.
CAUTION – before you go down to the checkout area of the web shop, DO NOT click on download. DO NOT CLICK on shop and avoid purchasing the app at full price. Continue with my instructions to get access to the discounted price.
But make sure you stay on the web shop page. Don’t worry, you can download your Cinamaker Capture apps for your iPhones and the Director Pad for your iPad from directly from the App Store on your iOS devices after you’ve gone through the process in my video.
So scroll down to the checkout cart and that’s where you proceed to get your discounts. Click on add to cart, make sure that’s for one or more licenses if you need them for multiple production locations or a team of people.
Step 2
The next important step is to use the coupon code for your purchases. Type “tolis_apex” into the coupon field. Once you press on apply coupon, you’ll see that the discount is applied to the retail price.
The discount that you receive is roughly $40. And the total will come down to $159.20 – that’s roughly $13 per month, over 12 months.
Step 3
Next, proceed to checkout. Then type in your billing details and email address that is associated with your App Store account. This is very important.
Next type in your credit card details, expiration date, and security code. Once you’ve done that, the $159.20 will be applied in your currency, just place order and you’re ready to go.
Join our Facebook Group!
Get support from our community when you join our Facebook Group – Cinamakers Inner Circle. Just tell us why you want to use Cinamaker. You’ll get access to live trainings, peer support, and my upcoming Cinamker’s Video Marketing Launch Plan. I look forward to seeing you there!
Do you want more video tips? Subscribe to my YouTube channel and make sure you click on the notification bell so that you can get notified the moment I go live with my Cinamaker and video marketing tutorials.
Cinamaker consists of two main apps:
Cinamaker Director Pad and Cinamaker Capture.
So, start Cinamakin’ and you’ll be off to the races!
Download the app and start telling your story. Share it with the world and make a difference! It’s never been easier.
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